Monday, August 6, 2012

Anxiety, Beer, & Back Pain

1.  I've been struggling with my family over the past two weeks.  Like struggling to the point where it actually hurts my heart.  It's hard seeing people you love go through difficult things, it is even more difficult to see them make decisions that you aren't supportive of.  I know that I can only be responsible for myself and my own decisions but it feels impossible to still not be upset about it. 

2.  Yesterday we went on the Boulevard Brewery Tour.  It was a fantastic time and almost worth the two year wait. 

3. I wish everyone could talk more openly about mental health. At the very least I'm learning to understand my own struggle with anxiety. My biggest anxiety attacks usually show up on Sunday nights & Monday mornings and times when I'm alone after hanging out with friends and family.  Last night after the brewery tour I felt like I was literally dying, that my heart might actually explode.  It was my first anxiety attack in over a month, which was feeling like a victory.  But I sound like a crazy person saying I can't breathe because of the panic, don't I?  Tonight I'm fine and we'll try again tomorrow. 

4. My back has been in intense pain and I'm feeling a bit like I'm 25 going on 75.  I'm spending a lot of time on my heating pad and trying to figure out how to fix it.  It's incredible how much older I've gotten in the past few years.

5. Is it fall yet?

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