Saturday, March 27, 2010

This time I went to Jamaica but fell in love with a scene from Californication...

This past week I was on spring break in Jamaica. It was absolutely amazing! We spent 5 days on the beach. If you've ever been on spring break/been to Jamaica/been on the beach/etc. you can understand how awesome this trip was. I definitely drank more than my liver can stand. Besides being an incredible experience, it was a relatively uneventful trip (as far as spring break trips go, that is). However, I was left with the *worst* case of the travel bug. I can't wait to schedule my next trip. Who wants to go somewhere totally awesome with me? Anyone?
Anyway, over at You'll Grow To Love Me (, She asked us to list 5 things we desire for ourselves in the next year. She put hers on her blog so they would be out in the universe. So here are mine:
1. Land my first big girl/real world/post-college job
2. Fall crazy, passionately in love
3. And have that love returned
4. Cross at least 2, but hopefully 3, things off my life list
5. Move :)
And in other news, I've become completely obsessed with the Letter to Karen ( from Californication. I'm such a freak but it really gets to me for some reason. It's gotten so bad that now everytime I hear the song "Nothingman" I get a little sad and a little bit of a heart flutter. (Don't judge me!) Can someone please right me a letter like this? Maybe?
So to sum up this post, I'm basically looking for someone who will travel with me, help me cross things off my life list, and write a "Letter to Melissa."

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This one time I played in a quarters tournament to win a trip to Vegas with a guy named Dylan

Katie likes to call me the devil. I more fondly like to think of her as my partner in crime. After a day of work in which we found that we were, in fact, not getting fired, we decided to celebrate. (Isn’t that mostly how these stories go?) I join Katie on a semi-date which involves her, the guy, the guy’s parents, and 2 of the guy’s friends. The guy has an amazing job in which allows him to buy other people beer. After three rounds of beer, Katie and I decide to buy the dad shots. Then all of us, parents included, head to the bar because apparently there is a quarters tournament in which you can win a free trip to Vegas.

Dylan ends up with me as his partner, which is unfortunate for him because I’m clearly horrible at anything in this arena. (2 drinks later) Dylan decides that I clearly need to practice. I throw about 3 quarters (which are really plastic poker chips) and then we all decide to head to another bar. The other bar is selling 40s for $4. For some unknown reason Katie and I think that we each need one. Fast forward an hour and we’ve lost track of time and our drinks and run back to the tournament. They’ve created a bracket and I see the first match. Our first opponent is this guy I kindasorta feel really awkward around for multiple reasons. Obviously, this sort of thing would happen in my life. But of course, I instantly want to kick his ass. I lose, because as it turns out, Dylan also sucks. So the two of us aren’t running off to Vegas anytime soon. However, he assures me that it’s totally fine that I sucked because I’m hot.

Katie also lost. Although I told her if she won the trip I’d be her maid of honor. Because, clearly, getting married is the only reason to go to Vegas. The other guy’s partner was his sorta girlfriend who is a stripper. Her name may have been Sapphire or Daisy or Candy. We still don’t know.

This night ends with me, pantless surrounded by Christmas lights, getting offered $10 to go to a dance party across the hall.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Because everyone else is doing it...

Inspired by all the amazing bloggers I know, I've decided to start my own blog. I guess I should begin by clarifying that I'm wildly inappropriate and do not censor myself at all.

Last night I miserabley failed my managerial accounting midterm around 5 p.m. My dear friend, fellow grad student, and coworker Katie also failed. Together we joined forces to celebrate, ahem, I clearly mean grieve. Katie begins by asking me if we can do some stalking, but she doesn't want me to think she's crazy. Of course I say yes and who am I to judge anyone else for having a case of the crazies? We finish that up and spend 2 hours having beers and wings and we have to tell our server that we do not need our bills yet because yes, we will be drinking more.

And that was just the beginning of how the night was going. It ended with me sending out a mass text saying "I'm a hot mess."

As if everyone didn't already know.