I paid a shit ton of money to have 288 ounces of juice shipped to me. For 5 days before I started I had no caffeine or meat. 3 days before no dairy. 1 day before no alcohol. J said if this was my life we'd break up. I'd break up with myself.
I crack open the first juice around 9 am on day 1. After reading other blogs I was nervous for this green salad juice. But it was fantastic. It was crisp and fresh and tasted like an actual salad. Two hours later I had juice 2 which was a nice fruity pineapple apple mint juice. Juice 3 is actually just Juice 1 again. And then juice 4 is spicy lemonade. It was 5 pm and I was all "I'm so amazing and I've totally got this. I'll have the skinniez and never eat solid food again!" Then juice five...the beet carrot juice. Aka pure dirt shit. It was terrible. There are about twenty nine gross things I'd rather eat than drink this juice. But they promised juice 6 (cashew milk) was great and to hold on. But french fries. All I can think about are fried potatoes with salt and ketchup. But that sixth juice was like a cookie and that was ok.
I wake up on day 2 with a serious case of the skinniez. My stomach is the flatest it's ever been. Day 2 of juices is a breeze. I fly through the juice, workout, have a great day. I don't even miss food at this point.
Then I wake up on day 3. While I'm having an even better case of the skinniez I would punch you in the face for some solid food. I start to crave onions & fish. I miss chewing. I am so tired of drinking liquid. Between each of the juices you drink a glass of water. There is no point in the day where you aren't drinking something. My friend keeps talking about what we'll eat for dinner the next night. I tell him to fuck off. At 3 pm on a Friday afternoon I fall asleep for 2 hours because I'm angry, tired, and just so hungry. I blow off juice 5 and only manage to drink half of juice 6.
I finished the rest of juice 6 the next day and waited til our dinner to eat again. Where I had onions & salmon. Since the juice cleanse I eat onions or fish or both every single day. Isn't that disgusting? I don't know what's wrong with me. It was nice that it was all planned out and I felt so skinny. I'd definitely do it again though.
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