Here's sort of what my day is like:
8:50 AM: Roll into work
9:00 AM: Meeting with manager, suggest I want a new job, sad moment-Titanic Music
9:30 AM: Complain to @xCarling, Make one phone call returning one of 13 voicemails, stare at email, stare at claims screen, check career website, instant message coworkers
10:00 AM: Team Meeting, we write nice things about each other on paper. I'm told I "know how to work the system and am really FUN!" I feel disappointed.
11:00 AM: A customer is sad and getting dicked over. I feel bad and spend the next hour making it right. Some douche calls me and I get snotty.
11:30 PM: Send bitchy email for people to give me money for baby shower gift due a week ago
12:00 NOON Lunch at Panera with coworker. complain a lot. suggest new position in same company will solve all problems.
1:00 PM: Decide to get it together, work hard, make lots of calls. Suprisingly, don't get called a bitch.
1:30 PM: Continue trying to be bff with new cube mate. I ask how he's doing, he makes a motion of climbing up a ladder. I don't have the heart to tell him there's no end.
2:00 PM: Try to figure when the afternoon meeting is
2:30 PM: Meeting is now
3:00 PM: Instant message @xCarling, tell her about said meetings, complain about how much work I have to do.
3:30 PM: Listen to 16 voicemails
4:00 PM: Call Danielle & Trudy. They are cranky.
4:15 PM: Call Ty & Pam. They are crazy and loud. I get snotty. They are lying to me.
4:30 PM: Calculate how late I stay at work for the day
5:00 PM: Work on behavior review to convince management I'm awesome.
5:30 PM: Chat with coworker, agree that new positions would be way better.
5:36 PM: Give up and leave
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