Wednesday, July 3, 2013

When did it become July?

Holy shit, you guys, it's JULY. 

I actually had to go back a few posts to find out what my new year's resolutions word (we're fucked, right??).  So my goals were to run a 5k every month, read 2 books every month, & finish NDJ. 

Maybe let's just Eff Yeah! list this intstead.

January-Groundhog Run 5k (worst time ever), completed NDJ
February-Completed Sweetheart Run 4 mile (fantastic run & the fastest time ever), passed AINS 22
March-I quit my second job!
April-I don't know, you guys, it snowed so maybe let's just leave this month alone
May-Colorado Vacation, passed AINS 23B
June-Color Run, Glow Run, AINS 23C

I can't be sure when I read what so here's just what I've read this year:
Dad is Fat, Wild, Gone Girl, Let's Pretend This Never Happened, Waiting to Be Heard, Tiny Beautiful Things, & How to Be a Woman.   So apparently more like 1 a month. 

I've signed up for Jingle in July 5k, am looking at vacations for October, & looked into starting school in the fall for a graduate certificate. 

I'm trying to build a life that I really love living and I'm learning that it's not as easy as step 1, 2, 3, done, you love your life now!  That it's more of a process.